Friends vs Friends

User Rating: 8 | Friends vs Friends PC

I think I’m pretty bad at FPS games especially when it is online competitive. If you are bad, then your time playing can be quite short unless it is a game where it respawns you back in. Friends Vs Friends is designed for quick rounds, so even if you die quickly, there’s not long to wait before the next round starts.

I think it is quite generous with the health points though so you can take loads of hits before you actually are defeated. So although that gives me more playtime, the negative is that it’s hard for me to get kills.

Another thing that appeals to me is the cartoon art style. I love cel-shading and think it often stands the test of time; not that you will be playing an online game like this far into the future.

There is a free for all mode, as well as 2 vs 2, 1 vs 1. You can practice against bots but I’d imagine most people would find them too simplistic. I thought they put up a good fight, but when you watch them you can see how limited the AI is. They seem to randomly move about until they gain sight, will fire until they lose sight, then return to randomly move about. They never seem to follow/predict where the player should be, and also often face the wall but will be alerted when fired at. There also seems to be a bug where they will keep firing at defeated characters. They repeatedly jump, which is what human players do, so can be hard to hit.

One thing they have done to try and differentiate themselves from other games is to have a card system. You build a deck and are given cards each round. So you need to decide to use now or on later rounds. Some cards are best used at the start of the round, whereas others are more situational. There’s all kinds of buffs/debuffs, weapons, projectiles or defensive options.

You buy card packs in the shop with your credits you earn by playing matches (I don’t think you can pay real money). Acquiring multiple of the card levels it up for better gains. It’s probably the case that there is a larger advantage for long-time players, or those that have learned the optimal deck.

In terms of weapons, you can have your basic pistol but the cards can give you shotguns, sniper, katanas. Then bombs, smoke grenades, molotovs.

Buffs can be faster movement, double jump, poison bullets. Big/small heads to increase/reduce chance of headshots. I suppose some will benefit from combinations such as using a sniper after activating big heads for your opponents. There are defensive items like dropping a wall, freeze your character in place, increase/restore health.

One card warps to a wasteland level. There are several levels and quite interesting designs from: theater, tabletop, island, rooftop, petrol station.

The UI seems a bit confusing, with the icons only menu coming from a mobile-style design. You can move around in a hub area and interact with characters to access the shop and objective lists but you can also do this through the menus.

If you like online FPS games, then this one is definitely worth checking out. However the player base is probably a bit low at the current time, so it's a shame it hasn’t really caught on.