I never realized how hard the life of a frog was. Now only if they had made "Squirreler"!
Frogger is like any other frog. He likes to hop across busy highways, evade vicious snakes, jump from lily pad to turtle and back again, and sleep in little alcoves. The game starts out with a little tune, and then the action begins! You must cross five lanes of alternately flowing traffic, and then cross five more lanes of alternately flowing debris in the river. The traffic isn't that hard until later levels when there are two cars in a row with barely enough room for Frogger to squeeze in-between them, and they are speeding like crazed maniacs! There is a safe zone between the highway and the river; but later in the game a snake decides that he must torture Frogger there also.
The river is hard, and only gets harder as the game progresses. You have to jump from the bank to a lily pad, and from there to a log, to another larger log, and then to some turtles and then on to another log and finally into the eddy on the far side of the river. This part actually confused me for the longest time. I couldn't figure out why you would spend so much time trying to stay away from the water, only to jump in at the end. However, if you try to jump on land, you die. After I figured that out, I was good to go!
In all, Frogger is an excellent game that should be played by all. Anybody who thinks this game isn't any good, wouldn't know a great game when it bit them in the ***!