A faithful rendition of the arcade classic, slightly marred by techincal issues and occasionally laggy online play.
Achievements are fairly balanced, the easiest being the completion of Level 2 for 10G, and the most difficult, in my experience, a toss-up between completing Level 5 for 20G and obtaining a combined total of 30,000 points with a friend on an Xbox Live co-op match.
The game appeals to nearly anyone: those in need of a quick but challenging 200G, casual gamers, hardcore arcade leaderboard chasers, George Costanza. Co-op and vs. gameplay is fairly enjoyable, but because of the occasional and slight jittery lag which can sometimes turn an efficient round of gameplay into a dark, swirling ball of controller smashing madness, I don't see any reasoning to continue playing online after you've obtained the Co-op Brilliance achievement.
Well worth the 400 points, and even if you play it just for the gamerscore, you'll come back to it every now and then for a quick fix of green speed. After all, it's Frogger, and it's on Xbox 360.