Could have been a good game
The game takes place after the movie of the same name, and it takes place on an astronomically large prison barge. You also play as Seth Gecko. Not long after the game begins, vampires attack and take over.
Sadly, despite that interesting little plot detail, the game is just downright poor. The graphics are semi-okay, but the model detail on the character are hideous, and the game is absolutely infested with bugs.
Believe it or not, I actually got hooked on this game for awhile. It actaully had a few good parts, but the whole game just doesn't feel finished for some reason. It feels like I'm playing a game that still needs a few years of work to be completed.
Also, the game just wasn't scary enough. I really didn't care for the movie because I thought it was kind of stupid. It was too action oriented to be scary. I actually saw some parts in this game that could have made the scare meter rise a little bit, but no attempt was made to do that whatsoever.
I'd have to reccommend The Suffering over this. That game kind of uses a similar concept, but it is done much better and there was alot of work put into the game itself. If not The Suffering, then play Bioshock or FEAR instead.