As a life-long fan of Populous, Powermonger, Sim-Anything, and all the Civ games, I rushed to buy this. Indeed, the physics and elements engine is quite satisfying to play with for awhile. But the game ultimately devolves into time-based and/or scripted events that undermine its potential. In short, it never quite becomes fun nor addictive. The graphics, sound, and even loading screens have high production value, but the levels vary between sandbox (literally, in this case) and reload-happy trial-and-error exercises. Note that there's no form of quick-save, checkpoints, etc. -- if you want to explore an option, plan on replaying the entire lengthy level each time.
As noted in other reviews, the pathfinding is flat-out broken. You'll often find yourself dumping sand on & around one of your little guys, despite seeing an obviously clear path and line-of sight.
The elements and physics engine, however, is generally very satisfying. Let's hope that their next effort with this engine turns out to be a fun game. (It would be fantastic for a Populous-type sequel, as long as they ditch the timed events and threw in some better AI.)
I've been waiting a little while now for this game, and I can say safely that it was worth the wait. From Dust lets you be a god, known as the Breath, over a small tribe who have forgotten how to tame the ridiculously po... Read Full Review
As volcanoes spread their fiery wrath across one side of the map and torrential downpours flood the river basin on the other side, the desperate villagers march unfazed towards the large totem in the center of the world.... Read Full Review