short,boring and stupid. total waste! linear missions that require from you to escort some fellas

User Rating: 5.5 | From Dust PC
the game is quite short. you twist the earth/water/lava/plants etc.
but not like in black & white game as ultimate god, here you have only impact on the environment.

there are small maps with no depth at all. same cut scenes between levels with no option to skip them, and the hole idea of the game is to bring your tribe fellas from point a to point b, so you just click on point b and solve any occasional obstacle around. everything repetitive. as god you also have some powers to stop the water from flow, to evaporate water, and another 2 useless powers, that god knows why are there.
the handling is not satisfying, you will find it hard to pick small objects, the camera movement isn't helping this time. while you can rotate sideways and up and down but cant move it freely, so you if you will still want to try the game yourself, you would need to adjust to.

in my opinion it's total waste of time.


graphics: 6.5
sound: 6
game-play: 4

total: 5.5