No-Effort, Terrible Port
First and foremost, Ubisoft mislead the public about the kind of DRM this game would require. They clearly stated on their forums a ONE TIME ONLY activation would be required, when in fact that was NOT the case with the shipped product - you had to be online EVERY TIME at the onset of your session. When they get caught, they delete their original, misleading post, and post the REAL DRM details a day AFTER the game has launched and they got your money. Fortunately I was able to get a refund via Steam, but Ubisoft handled this extraordinarily poorly and never once claimed responsibility for misleading the public (instead copping out and blaming it all on some "misunderstanding" like we're all too stupid to know what "ONE TIME ONLY" means).
Second - virtually no effort was put into this port whatsoever. The nigh-on-month delay was for one thing and one thing only - adding DRM. There are no audio or video settings considered standard for PC games, and the control scheme is frustrating, and that's being generous. Unless your cursor is in the middle 5% of the screen, you will scroll your screen. This makes precise control of the placement and removal of environmental elements virtually impossible - kind of important in a game where precisions is generally required. No way to meaningfully tweak mouse or other control settings is also a huge no-no.
Third, performance - either the video quality is too low and your system can handle more, or it's too high and it's too much for your system. Either way, you can't do a thing about it, because this is just another junk console port that is an utter waste of your money. Ubisoft should be ashamed of themselves for what they did, and they're not. Don't reward their dedication to mediocrity, and avoid this game.