"The lack of originality makes this game feel crammed"

User Rating: 7.5 | From Russia With Love PS2
Based on the movie of the same name (released in 1963) From Russia With Love is a good game that cant be missed by true Bond fans, but other people might find this game something repetetive. Gameplay- Almost exactly like Everything or Nothing, but with a few extras installed. The car and boat scenes get boring after a while. The jetpack scenes are either short or hard. The upgrades for the weapons and gadgets seem a bit useless. The multiplayer is boring compared to the one in Everthing or Nothing and Nightfire. Graphics- Nicely detailed graphics, Bond almost looks exactly like Sean Connery and all of the other characters look very nicely as well. The enviorment look good for a Bond game. Story- Same from the movie but with a few twists some more scenes. Sound- Sean Connery is adding his voice into the game, wich is a nice touch (altough it seems weird, a 70 or even 80 year old mans voice in a body of a 35ish year old man). Some of the voices where taken from the movie others where recorded. The guns sound fine. The music of course 60´s Bond style. Value- Great game for true Bond fans, but the lack of originality make this game a little boring after a while.