From Russia with Awesome!
Why? Lets start with the basic gameplay: the primary element in this game is the shooting system. This game uses a lock on system similar to Grand Theft Auto 3, of course the game would be boring if that was all. There is also a feature called "bond focus." This ability lets you zoom in onto your enemies and choose where on the body to shoot. This lets you get accurate headshots, shoot guys in the leg, and even shoot grenades off of belts to have them explode (my personal favorite). Melee combat is also done well. If you pull the right trigger near an enemy, Bond will hit them. You will then see a button appear on the screen; If you push this in time Bond will do a takedown on the enemy and take him out for good. Very satisfying.
There are also driving sequences that are, once you get used to the sensitive controls, very fun. The car is equipped with a machine gun, tire spikes, and homing rockets. It's pretty neat to fire at enemy cars and watch them turn into flying heaps of metal and fire. There are also jetpacks (my favorite) and speedboats. The visuals, while pretty good for their time, really show their age.
Now lets talk about the bad parts. There are some sections of the game that go on way to long, like one section where you're in a speedboat (I don't think I have ever taken out that many helicopters before). The enemies also become repetitive after a while. These, however, are minor setbacks for a very fun and satisfying game that should please any Bond fan.