an utter failure that rocked- if thats possible. Way too short, yet fun enouph, so f u dont kno wut im sayin, read this!

User Rating: 7.7 | From Russia With Love GC
At least they did their best. This game is basicly Everything or Nothing, exept taking place in the 60's and it's a switch over from Peirce Brosnan to Sean Connery-Which is basicly why i bought it. Read this if you really care, Im just typin' this to be a good citizen.

Gameplay-eh, good, you'll ride jetbacks, drive the "bondmobile", and drive a tank car. its fairly simple. You will get an arsenal simular to Everything of Nothing, except dated to what it was or what was used instead back in Connery's days. They even replace the boring Q-spider with a Q-copter, heh, no one plays with me any more 'cause I'm a jerk with it. That is also a setback, ITs way too unfair in Multiplayer, if I get a friggin jetpack, then Im probably going to kill of everyone from the skies in less then a sec!

Graphics-Ehhhhhh, not exactly "great", but they sure beat Ghost Recon GCN's.

Sound- Actual voice of Sean Connery and classic Orchestra music!!! Need I say more?

Value- This is where it got stuck between a rock and a hard place, or more likely a short movie. They did their best by adding Octopus and expanding parts to make it more fun, but they sadly were too lazy to make it extremely difficult- I bet it's so easy so Newb adults to gaming and are Connery fans can kick back and enjoy.

Tilt- This part it did best, espicially because it's based on an actual Bond movie! So, of course, I had to give Tilt an 8.

So, overall, its a good renter or sleep over game for some kicks, not a hard core game though, so dont expect to survive off this one for the whole year.