A nice retro nostalgia feeling, however it lost a lot in translation, yeah it does make a nice twist of new gadgets.
The lock on is both necessary and disappointing, because it rips all the challenge away, but without it your just left with vague and clunky aiming. Bland levels, despite the nostalgia factor, and a weak line up of weapons. That are all in all pretty boring, even though the weapon upgrades in mutliplayer are a really nice addition.
Some really nice new gadgets, that add a lot in the multiplayer. Namely the vehicles, jet pack, q-copter, etc. However a lot got lost in translation and this game is unremarkable.
Gameplay - 7
The complete lack of challenge, and feeling of mechanical control. The third perspective was not executed properly, i feel and the game doesn't feel like a real bond game.
Graphics - 7
Some good character models, smooth frame rate and pretty accurate enviorment (to the movie.)
Sound - 9
One of the area bond games generally always excel, this games no exception. A murky and dark sound atmosphere as well as the classic bound sound.
Overall - 7.2
A lackluster game that feels rushed and could of been much better. However, in the end it is pretty solid.