User Rating: 8.5 | From Russia With Love XBOX
The good; erm real voice classic bond guns and the classic car and first bond game to be a TPS

The bad; not much wrong with this game but it could be just a tiny bit longer

Sean connery in james bond from russia with love is a good fast paced bond game with good graphics real voices cars and even gadgets make this one of the best bond games thought of, plus you can fly in jet packs whilst shooting and you can drive classic cars aswell as tear the baddies to pieces what more could you want apart from the bond girls which this has and more with real authentic levels like the gypsy camp and the underground tunnels of turkey + you can also use authentic gadgets like the q-copter and the good old laser watch which help you in times of need.

However this game does have its flaws by not being the longest but probably the shortest of all bond games made which does let it down a tiny bit aswell as the multiplayer which i didnt find too persuasive which is a bad thing because i really enjoy multiplayer split screen or xbox live.

But this game is so much better than some critics say it is.