FRWL is a game even novices can play. Many gaming companies forget there are many individuals that are physically challenged that want to play the better games as well. Only recently have they been acknowledging the need to have save points and levels easy enough for everyone. The expert gamers are loath to accept this and are usually critical in their reviews which in my opinion is selfishness on their part. FRWL is a great game for all Thank you EA . I found the graphics great. The sound terrific. But most of all, I liked the ability to play the game on easy and the save points frequent. In many games, I would accomplish a difficult task only to have to loose it for various reasons.
Ah classic James Bond and Video Games, shaken not stirred. EA second attemp at the 3rd person shooter. Everything or Nothing was all together done very well with lots of remakable sequences, Unfortunatly remaking a Class... Read Full Review
Great Game. Graphics are good. This is a really good james bond game. Best one I have ever played. There's lots of cool weapons you can use. Pretty good game for the xbox. It's AND INSTANT CLASSIC. 8.5 stars out of 10. G... Read Full Review