While it has it's shortcomings, From Russia With Love still has that nostalgia factor.
The graphics are well done, and give you that feeling of being back in the 1960's. The enviorments are rendered very well, especially the scenes in the city, although, more free range would have been nice.
The audio has it's highs and lows. The sounds effects from the vehicles weapons are amazing, and the explosions sound very realistic. The sounds that come from the cars make it really sound like your driving them.
Homage to the film
This is honestly the most important part. What is bad is that the climax of the film, the train fight with Red Grant, is totally screwed over, and really makes people upset. As far as other levels are concerned, they pay good homage to the film. In the 2nd level, you actually go into M's office, talk outside to Moneypenny, and go though a simulation at Q-Lab. These scenes are very well done and help boost the game's value.
Overall, it is a pretty good game. The difficulty isn't that high, and some enemies aren't that well thought into, but it is a well-designed game, that 007 fans (especially 007 Connery fans) will enjoy, but even non-Bond fans should check this game out. While it has it's shortcomings, From Russia With Love still has that nostalgia factor.