With few strategy games for the Ps2 , Front Mission 4 is the leader of that gendra. And succeeds it very well too!

User Rating: 9.6 | Front Mission 4 PS2
With an awesome storyline, a great cast of characters on both Good and Evil Side and of course an excellent voice acting. Front Mission 4 start off very good for its first series apparence on the PS2.

To be honest here. People who adore Giant "Wanzers"(Name of Robots in the game) fightings each other, will be hugely satisfied by this game.

To be brief about the game, you play with 2 teams of 5 characters throughout the game.. Of course each team have their own storyline who actually brings the both of em together. The game does a good job when it comes switching from team to team as the story is well explained , so there is no way to lost track of it.

But where the games excells even better is in the gameplay itself. You can cuztomize the Wanzers of the 2 teams like you like it.

You can change every part of the Wanzers , from his arms to the body etc..
There is also the choice type you want you Wanzer to be, it can range from being a Sniper to a huge wanzers shooting long range missiles or even fighting with close melee weapons like maces and shields

Overal this game is a must have for Strategy fans on the PS2 ,Espescially for those who miss games like Final Fantasy Tactics