Short campaign , some AI glitches and the storyline felt as though it was a combination of Gundam 00 and Lost Planet.
I ain't joking about the storyline.
The storyline is seriously lifted from both Lost Planet and Gundam 00.
For one thing , the main character inherited some advanced technology from his dad , his dad disappeared due to circumstances , the son goes and find him and stumbles into another group and meets some girl who doesn't really trust him at first. Lost Planet , right?
Now , the for the second half , we have some terrorists who wants to bomb the crap out of the planet so every divided country and continents would join as one and so there would be world peace. Now , that sounds like an utter rip off from Gundam 00.
You'd think Square Enix would make up a better storyline than making such obvious lifts from other storylines.
Gameplay :
The gameplay isn't exactly perfect.
It's good , since it's like a combination of Lost Planet , except with heavier Mehca content and more intense gameplay.
There isn't also much point to customization truth be told. No matter how much I customize , I still feel as though I'm using pretty much the same thing , except I'm slower with slightly more defence and it's not as though there are much significant trait boosts to my machine.
The AI are smart , they will flank you , hide behind walls or rush into you if you start to back off. But at times , they will go into the mysterious "wall-kissing" state that makes them look dumb.
They also failed to see the power of mixing a shield with shoulder weapons. Since the shield have a Perfect Shield optional Customization Ability , it will be renderred invincible for a moment so the player can quite literally win over any bosses with ease even without "cheating".
There are many things overlooked and the campaign is pretty dry and short.
However , it is also fairly interesting to see how you can destroy limbs to reduce a Wanzer's efficiency and how difficult it is to get a proper shot on your enemies.
Oh , the human-mode combat isn't all too entertaining either. Since you have only three weapons available. A shotgun , a submachine gun and a rocket launcher. The only difficulty are shotgun units who closes up into you to blast you to the high heavens.
Graphics and Interaction :
The Graphics are pretty damn good if I have to put it myself.
Excellent lightning effects , detailed Wanzer linings and all the elaborated rust and must as such.
The scenery's also excellent , though fairly constrained.
The player can also destroy minor props like trees and cars for whatever reason there is but major landmarks still remains invincible.
Overall :
This game isn't actually all that good.
Sure , there is a Multiplayer feature that keeps the game alive , but how far is that going to bring the player to?
The Campaign is short and not exactly well done and the true potential of the gameplay isn't truly brought out.
The gameplay , I have to admit , resembles Lost Planet. With all the "skating" with the boosters as such , as well as having Mechas that stick onto the ground. But unlike Lost Planet , you can't clamber out of your Mecha when you feel like it , your life keeps on regenerating no matter what and the Mecha in this game doesn't really feel all too different from one another.
In short , if you feel like playing this , rent it instead.