Sequel to Front Mission, only with new features.
music. It was amazing, defying the power of a 16-bit console. Nobuo Uematsu
and many other artists pitched in to make this game give a feel of how the
games should really be. The combat system is fun with a variety of weapons
and sub weapons ranging from primary weapons (Vulcan to Laser) to the secondary weapons (Flamethrower, Mine Sprinkler, Missles, ect.), which makes it possible to fully customize your mech with upgrades such as a vernier system, which makes your Wanzer (the robot you control) able to hover above the ground for a short time. Also unique to the game allows one to
leave their vehicle and battle onfoot, which is neccessary on some missions.
Also a variety of friends to help you battle the Society, each with unique skills
that can assist you, ranging from demolitions to healing. All in all, the game is amazing and is a must for Square Soft fans.