A great game, reminds me a little of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare 2.

User Rating: 8.5 | Frontlines: Fuel of War X360
This game gets an 8.5/10 from me. This game reminds me alot of Tom Clancy's GRAW2, but Frontline's single player mode is a little short, I rented it from blockbuster and beat it within a weak [an hour here and there]. For the time that the game does last, it is extremely fun. There are several difficulties for the advanced gamers, and for the newbies. The graphics are good, the levels I found to be very fun. If you dont have Xbox live DO NOT buy this game, it is extremely fun but only has a renter. However if you do have Xbox live this game could go either way; buy it if you'd like, or rent it. It's not as good as CoD4, but it is still fun with all the deadly gadgets. The story line is alright; nothing special but not bad. When you beat it, you will wish for more levels... It's just plain fun.