100% no bugs, MORE FREEDOM THAN CRYSIS awesome SP and buggy mp, WORKS SMOOTHLY no problems ,why all that HATE? WHY?
so i got the game well graphs are pretty goo,d nothing amazing but not as good as they look eg no antialiasing from ingame, its a PETTY GOOD GAME with palenty of FREEDOM its a cool game shotrt but aweome sp, and the game is quality? yes expect that the awesome sp aint long and mp doesnt alway work, BUT i am not a fan of battlefield style so i DONT CARE , SINGLE PLAYER IS JUST LIKE COD4 AND MOHA AIRBORNE BUT WITH MORE FREEDOM! not crappy as you think, what is all about? that it doesnt always work mp online thats all
nice physics and destructable stuff but not a lot like cellfactor, you can blow up buildings the SINGLE PLAYER IS QUALITY, i am play an unpatched version and i got 100% no bugs, i got an 8600 gt and works full settings with no lag whule i play crysis on medium loadscreens dont take too long BF 2142 takes 3 times more to load, no bugs i am not kidding, crysis is full of bugs compared to this! I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU PROBLEM IS BUT I GOT NONE IT WORKS PERFECTLY SO PLZ PM ME BEFORE RATING MY REVIEW AS BAD!
the story is that until the 2020 the oil on earth start to run out so china and russia allied against the us coalation, the whole war is about fuel the cutscenes aint much but for a battlefield type of game it has a gampaign close to cod4! the game got huge areas and nice enviroments the sound is great but the auto weapons dont sound that cool in sp you can choose only one faction the coalation the game has classes than you can change or choose cuz you start by default in each mission its short but believe its worth it! it has clases like tooper sniper machinegunner anti tank and close quartes(shotgun the engineeer but in sp vehicles auto repaired, and you get the shotgun with sniper or rocketlauncher classes) also there is silenced sub with c4 witch called special forces! the gameplay works like these if you clik as lightly as possible you fire 1 round and very accuarate but if you keep shooting the weapons spreads bullets everywhere and especially in scope view there is a lot of recoil! the enemies take a couple of hits and the health system is cod4 but you get injured and healed faster! the ai takes cover and moves reallistic while shooting and moving in the beggigining is ok and the cover thing is cool for a battlefield type of game but letter on they move alot and dont miss often there everywhere and shooting ONLY YOU am not happy about this one but its a decent ai! It gets difficult later on another thing is that dispute you got a heavy sniper you gonna need a headshot to kill someone with one hit! sniper is bad for sp however in sp you got the ability to pick enemies sniper rilfes and rocket launchers like cod4! the game it self has plenty of vehicles an nice ideas eg the hummer type of vehicle has both machinegun and rocketlauncher on the gunner seat, oh in sp if you enter one of these hummers you get two units you are both the driver and the gunner two people LOL also if you try to hit it without locking with rocket launcher you most propably miss even if you lock you can pop faleres from you vehicle to lose the missile lock or try to swing around with the choppers WHICH ARE COMPLETLY UNCONTROLABLE also the enemies with rocket launcher WILL fire rockets at you no prob ill repawn with a rocketlauncher and ill BLOW HIM TO HELL so its ok and balanced some more cool things i the choppers main guns and the HEAVY tank that fires micro grenades with primary shot so you dont stop shooting tanks even when reloading the main cannon...... #%$ YEAH!!! and now some gadgets imagine these rc than you can control within their signal range(if to far you need to get closer) like a tank destroyer rc, than you can move under a tank an blow it or a flying rc chopper with rockets or asmall tank eith machinegun PERFECT FOR ROOM CLEARING or WTF why not an altilery rc tank hey no need to engage hundrends of enemies take them out with rc seems kinda unfair? thye got two besides everyone got grenade launcher and the sentry guns and machineguns are armored!!!!! COOL aslo the different airstrikes types and the emp emmiter which makes enenmies to be unable to use vehicles or the zeus emp cannon and emma railgun will help you and my favorite transport choppers that you can bring down with with anit air guns or tanks, get ready to bring donw many choppers in sp and alot of desert and urban combat!
frontlines got what cod4 misses bigger more complex areas and more killing !, THE STORY IS GOOD it can possibley happen in th future sp is great mp is ok works perfectly no bugs sometimes has problems in connection but it solves it with the patch, the game is quality why all that hate? seriously while i find crysis a disasterous unrealllistic crappy ai and very buggy game with very high requirements this game works perfectly so why all that hate? its a pretty good game!