Fun & addictive, but ultimately empty gameplay!!

User Rating: 7.5 | Frontlines: Fuel of War X360
Frontlines: Fuel Of War has alot of good things going for it.

For starters there's the addictive gameplay.
Although the single person campaign is short and strangely easy, it does have a whole host of weapons you can use to shoot, blow up and bomb your way through the 6 levels.
These range from bazookas to miniature RC Helicopters/Tanks that you can send in ahead of you to kill off the AI.

It's a Gadget lovers paradise.

That isn't to say that they're all equally as satisfying to use. Your main weapon is your usual army machine gun and too be honest will be what you end up using most of the time. You never get tired of aiming and seeing the enemy being shot down through your rifle scope.
However the larger weapons (bazooka, grenade thrower, tanks) lack a realistic jump in their firepower. You'd expect them to create quite a bit of damage but you end up feeling like it would just be quicker to run in and gun each AI down individually with your default weapon.

The Graphics are pretty good as well, not amazing, but more than enough to get you involved with the action.

The Storyline is there, but really not important. The cut scenes are only there to give you a basic reason to go from point A to point B to take over an area, blow up a tower/satellite/building/tank base etc.

Frontlines is really all about killing enemy AI in as many different ways possible.
The game does feel familiar, but with so many modern army games that are more serious in nature, it's nice to play through a fun, short and maybe a little too easy sp campaign.

Plus with a 50 person multiplayer included, whats not to like.

Alot of fun but not groundbreaking, can easily be completed and repeated with a weekends rental.
