Though the single player campaign is short the gun play is fun and enjoyable. I dislike the sniper rifle in the game as one shot is definitely not a kill. But all in all the game was put together pretty well. I enjoyed running and gunning and rushing into battle to advance my squad to advance the line. I definitely suggest people try it out just to play and wait for it to drop in price. I have not played it online and would assume it kicks ass. I enjoy the fact that you can switch between classes before respawning, and the use of the drones are pretty fun, but not always available, at least in the single player campaign. the characters in the game are well done and the frontlines are amazing as the troops shout out to advance and what not. If you find the game to look interesting i suggest renting it and trying it out to see if you'll like it. For me I think its a fun game that I would wait for to hit the bargain bin, since the single player campaign isn't long .
Frontlines Fuel Of War is one of the best multiplayer games i have ever played. Though it does lack some in its single player the multiplayer over shadows it by a lot. The single player is kind of dull and pointless but ... Read Full Review
The majority of us remember an xbox port to the 360 called Battlefied: Modern Combat. The game was plagued by bad frame rate, server connections, and choppy, poopy graphics. Enter the world of Frontlines. The dra... Read Full Review