Looks great but utterly useless AI and weapons, plus major issues with glitches etc. just takes all fun out of it.

User Rating: 3 | Frontlines: Fuel of War PC
I read most reviews here before making the huge mistake of buying this game.
It does look quiet nice when it comes to graphics, and the explosion effects are truly good.
But that about where the fun ends.
I completed all stages of the SP mode, and there was a disappointment waiting around every corner from start to finish.

First the AI, which by the way with ease can be outsmarted by an infant.

1. Seeing your team mates standing half a meter away from the Redstar's "elite" forces on an open field in plain sight without getting detected just makes me cry.

2. Whats even worse is seeing two of your "elite task force" team mates empty clip after clip at a single enemy solider at point blank range (less than 2meters away) with a free line of sight without even a single hit...those guys couldn't hit a hole even if they where standing in it....blind dog's would be a more suitable name.

3. Apparently the Redstar's have developed some for of ultra long range optical enhancer implants used by some all / grunts except for those who use the other implant..the "ignore all enemy presence tactical combat goggles".
I know this, because the guard i never knew was there (on the other side of the map) beyond the reach of my sniper scope has detected me with his ultra implant and starts shooting at me from 3km away hitting nothing but air.

4. You notice that the only time the enemy AI ever manages to kill one of your team mates is when he runs in front of you, you will quickly notice that the AI will always engage you.. even if you are 400m away and your team mates are within reaching distance.

5. you enter a close combat area and see the enemy heavily fortified in an elevated position and outnumber you 10 to 1.
Being the elite soldiers they are they of course.......ABANDON?!?!?! their superior positions to run down stairs exposing themselfs in the open and more often then seldom crowding up in a tight spot where you can just wolly a grenade in and take out the lot of them in the blink of an eye...some elite soldiers they are...pffff

6. real elite soldiers don't go head to head with a tank when carrying nothing but light firearms...unless they are Redstar elite soldiers that is.

7. An enemy soldier has spotted you, and has dodged for cover behind a massive concrete block.
Said soldier still tries to fire at you from behind said block without ANY line of sigh emptying the whole clip into his own cover...and will do this over and over unless you move (even if he can't see you he will know you have moved)

Bugs and glitches:

Being the elite soldier you are faced with massive amounts of evil Redstar
anti infantry obstacles like grass, rubble, curbs on the road, bushes and shrubbery to name but a few.

Vehicles in Frontlines has enough natural enemy's like..dirt, and sand to overcome for there to be any real need for proper anti tank obstacles, even though there are some of those around also.

Basically this games feels old when it comes to weapons, the air -strikes are boring and useless.
The AI is a monumental failure.
It gets repetitive extremely fast, and hearing the same smartass voice comments 500times from your AI team mates doesn't help.

If you are still interested in buying this game i will sell you my copy at a bargain price in a heartbeat.