A nice shooter for all FPS gamers, nothing special but still fun! In-game controls make up for the worthless stor
I´d admit after resently released FPS games such as Cod4 and Crysis I had very high expectations on Frontlines-Fuel of War, maybe I had to high.
Frontlines is not the singleplayer FPS as I thougth it would be.
Multiplayer mode is yet to be tryed, I hope and belive the game does better there.
-------------------------------Story, and first thougths----------------------------------------
When the game started I sat and waited for the first cut-scene, to my horror it was a pre-recorded cut-scene, and the video was horrid, just plain ugly. You might wonder why I even mentioned this, but cut-scenes is very important for the story in most games, and in this particular game wich has a weak story the cut-scene is the one thing able bringing the game to a better level, but on that it falls flat.
Any good game has to have a good story to give the player a taste of reality.
Frontlines really does not have a story, it´s more of an explanation of
"whats going on?", and the cut-scenes just give us the A to B.
The vauge story tells about the future third world war, and your a Squad leader, there is a reporter among your squad; reporting your succes.
Your figthing for the "Coallision" (blue) and your enemy is the
"Red star forces" (Red) ofcource it´s a strong qliché ; United West-World agains Russia.
(Yes even the "star" from russias flag is copied into this game.)
-Yep, thats it. There is no more story alivalabe for the player, and the old/out-dated cliché is there.
Okay, thats really a big load of negative critic, but the game has a few good to!
------------------------------------Game play----------------------------------------------------
Many game developers today want their game to give us players something special, a uniqe thing, That uniqe thing emerge after the basic gamplay was
ended in tutorial mode.
That "uniqe" thing in this game is the "drones" basicly their machines controlled by the player, there are many different drones. To name a few, theres a Helicopter drone with rockets mounted a Tank-buster drone who is a radiocontroled micro car who can blow tank´s and a mini tank with a machine-gun and rockets mounted for taking out infantry.
As for gameplay except the "drones" it´s really nothing diffrent of any other FPS game. You can drive Tank´s, Helikopters, armored jeep´s, and all the normal gunpower is alivalable; Pistol, Sniper-riffle, Assult-riffle, roocket-lancher and so on...
----------------------------------Visual and Sound-------------------------------------------
This game does look good, and it really does that without having a ultimate gaming computer, Im shure you can play this game on a ligth gaming computer with good result. But there is not a wide option to control the grafic, just basic adjustments.
With my spec I was able to play the game with all things except the resolution at max with good framerates.
(My hardware spec is alivalable at the bottom of the review)
The game sound does not impress, and I didn´t get hardware accelerator sound device to work with my E-mu sound card, but thats most likly not the games fault but probably E-mu´s compability.
Sound is not bad just not great either, the details were few and I as an Audiophile want a bomb to sound like an bomb, a bullet bounce of the armour on a Tank to sound like an bullet bounce.... ..but the details in sound does not give you that.
There are many big flaws with this game, mostly the bad story, horrible patriotric bad quality pre-recorded cut-scenes and the short single-player mode.
..BUT, Yes BUT acually I enjoyed the game, even tho it didn´t suprice me or had an excelent gameplay it´s fun to play.
-Driving Tank´s or an helicopter and blast "red star forces" in the air is fun.
-Snipe ground forces from 400 yards with the sniper-riffle is fun.
-And the simple and basic game controls made it easy to move and get around the map quickly.
-Re-spawn at latest taken location after your dead, you don´t have to re-play the whole level just go out and shoot.
Those things made the game easy to play, not unchallaging just you don´t have to think forever about to start the game and go into a map to begin playing.
I recommend this game to any one with a few hours to kill.
(and "red star forces" to kill.)
Game were tested on:
Processor :Core 2 Duo E4500 @ 2.65Ghz
Motherboard :ECS 945P-A
Ram :2Gb 800mhz Ram in dual-mode.
GFX :HD3850 256mb
Soundcard :E-mu 0404 (E@x)
This Review was made by: Swehunt