A Good way to Waste 60 dollars.
This game was horrible. To think I paid sixty dollars for this makes me feel like I went down a few links of the evolutionary chain. The hype, if one ever existed, is a complete lie and you should think hard before buying this. This game is rated by me prior to me playing online, because I don't see how a game as ridiculous as this could be fun against other strangers.
Game-Play: 3
Sound: 7
Graphics: 8
Replay: 4
Overall: 5.5
The story is actually decent, well decent for a political war story, but if you actually follow it, well on you. I sort of just clicked through all the briefings and videos. Sorry, the old oil hype is getting old and I really don't care for it in the games I play. Hear it is. You're a soldier, with some guns, toys, and a lot of ammo. Shoot them, don't worry, it's really easy. THERE'S NO EFFING RECOIL!
Did I mention there is no recoil? You have a gun that holds 50 rounds and fires at a rate of probably 200 rounds a minute. Probably more. There is no recoil. You can place this on your lap and put your radical where you want, and just press the trigger, your radical won't move a millimeter. What gets me is you can place the radical over someone's head from about 10 yards away and let out 10 rounds, not a single one will hit his head. It's like playing the old beta of Counter Strike, but worst.
Head shots do exist and I usually accomplish them by sweeping my radical horizontally across while letting my auto fire take control and hope two of my 50 rounds will hit something. Enemies take a good 5-15 rounds to the chest before they even think about being hurt. I've expended clips on three people with my radical over their heads.
The guns are non-existent. No, seriously, they do not exist in this world and they simply don't look the part. Driving vehicles is actually the worst part of the game as you have to switch from being a driver to a shooter. Doing both is causes migraines and destroyed controllers. Nothing like being fired at by a million hositles, six tanks, and three APC's. Stay away from vehicles when you can.
I went through the bulk of the game firing into fields of sand, stone, and man while letting all my grenades go within minutes of starting. Why? Because 'Ammo deposits' exist everywhere in the game and refill you with no charge of time or vulnerability. Simply walk up to it and press the use button and you have all your grenades and ammo stocked up. Tactics? They don't exist.
This game is utterly horrible and if you find this fun you should go back to playing Doom. Because the first Doom was way better than this pile of garbage. I am surprised you still have to reload.
The sound was the best part I believe. Well better than the game play. The voices were decent, the explosions were extravagant. However, the main gun you use doesn't sound like a gun so much as does it sound like a fan belt stirring up.
The best part of the game, it uses sub-CoD4 graphics, but the bulkiness and lateral concept of imaging and collision engines from Unreal. Making this game worthless to a realistic man's eyes. However they did well for making such a crappy game.
I don't play it anymore. Make sense?
I seriously hated this game. I don't think I'll ever pick it up again. I don't want to turn it in as a used game either, because I fear someone may have to suffer as I have. This game was horrible. Stick to GoW and CoD4.