Nothing new.
The story is actually pretty good, as a reporter following the action is telling his life story and what is going down in the world followed with cinematics. The graphics are not impressive but not bad either so you'll be satisfied in that area. For someone who's played FPS for so long this game brought nothing new to the table but really single player is not what made me buy the game... it was because of the multiplayer. It's the closest thing I can get to BF2 since my computer is not up to par and I've even heard others say it's better then BF2. But again I've never played that so I do not know. But nonetheless happy with Frontlines.
The multiplayer maps are big in size and chuck fool of fun with vehicles, tanks and aircraft. I was a little hesitant on the vehicle aspect of the game, I'm more of a run around shoot em up kind of guy but I find the vehicles don't take much away from the fun. KAOS is doing a great job with customer support and within the first week they were in the progress of making patches, which is great, you hardly ever see that kind of commitment to a game. Another thing that I like about the multiplayer is how your overall score does not focus mainly on kill and death but more on how many points you capture which is cool because kills come easy to some while others not so much. Oh and do you hate those annoying little kids that breath into the mic and do whatever the hell it is they do? Well KAOS has put a stop to that. You pretty much get to hear what you want to hear, you can form a squad and only this way can you communicate with others... and if you come across someone that is being stupid well just kick them from your squad and find someone more interesting to join. Another advantage to the squad system is when you are killed you can respawn on top of a friendly squad member so it saves having to run and catch up. You can respawn in a friendly helicopter for god's sake how cool is that? But only if a squad member currently occupies it.
I could go on and on with the multiplayer...basically if you are a multiplayer FPS fan then this is something you should definitely look into. But if you're only in it for the single player PLEASE rent it first.