Luck based, but fun.
There is skill, but in general most ships require you to use the same tactic over and over until you get a lucky chain of events and win. The game also feels like it's being run by some malevolent computer: It just loves to raise your hopes by giving you some nice stuff for your ship and whatnot and then smash them a few sectors later by suddenly giving you an enemy that is absurdly more difficult to fight than all the others, and may even be completely unkillable depending on your gear, or by fighting a ship that gets a series of lucky evades or something similar. And just to top it of the boss is 100% gear check, no amount of skill will get you through the boss without specific
equipment.And after a while you just end up fed up with playing dice and the game just becomes a mild annoyance.
But don't be fooled by the negative picture painted above, the game is entertaining, and will have you hooked hours and hours on end.
If you have some spare cash, definitely get it, but be prepared to throw your computer out the window.