Where else can you kung fu with Bin Laden?

User Rating: 5 | Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror PS2
This game is not exactly something I'd refer to as a great FPS game. In fact, it's pretty broken. On the other hand, it is not as bad as people say it is. At least it's playable, and while the main action is not really fun, it's so laughable that it motivates you to beat it.

Here's the story. It is dumb and not original at all. You are the badass American soldier with the sunglasses and the American flag tattoo who has to fight terrorists and capture the most dangerous terrorist leaders. Nothing too special.

The gameplay: It's an FPS, so you run around and gun down terrorists. It's not original or good, enemies respawn, the AI is pathetic, the gun sounds are barely acceptable... it's not exactly Golden Eye or Medal of Honor. However, the worst part is the boss battles. The game changes from a really bad FPS to a really bad Fighting game and you have to defeat the terrorist leaders in hand-to-hand combat. The sheer sight of such a fight against Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden is kinda funny. It's also a wonder why you even have to fight them or why they want to fight you, as several of the bosses appear heavily armed. If I was a terrorist with a machine gun I would shoot any soldier who wants to fight me...

Graphics: Some of the areas in the game look good, and the more important characters look OK. The average guys you fight against on the levels look pretty busted. Explosions look bad, which makes me wonder why are they so overused in the game.

The sound: As I mentioned gun sounds are really weak, but otherwise I was satisfied with the music and the voice acting and the like. Nothing groundbreaking, but the sounds are not really something to complain about.

As a conclusion, this game is just not meant to be taken seriously. It's great when you just want to laugh at something but also want to play a game. It's ridiculous and laughable enough to up the mood a little at times. I even heard someone saying it's a wonderful game to play while being stoned. Sure it's not a must have, it's not even good. But this is not really a game that deserves to be considered as one of the worst games of all time.