Same as the previous version or not, Full Auto 2 still manages to be one heck of a fun combat driven racing game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Full Auto 2: Battlelines PS3
Since i do not own a 360, i havne't played the first Full Auto. But, i liked Full Auto 2's appearance and decided to check it out. I rented it from Blockbuster and sat down and played it. This game is really fun! It has a wide lay out of cars and weapons to choose from all having their own different uses for different tracks or other racing situations. It does look great using PS3's graphic technology not perfectly, but to a good degree. There isn't much of a story in this game, except something a long the lines of destroy these guys to save the city. That's basically it. The computer that gives you info on the situation of the city and your progress can get really annoying or too harsh on your failures. Some enemies cheat also, using better weapons than you even in the beginning levels, but this gives more of a challenge. I don't know for sure if Full Auto 2: Battlelines is the same thing as the previous version, but i still find it to be a racing game worth mentioning, and achowloging to any peron looking for a fast paced trill driven game.