An incredibly pointless game that provides racing & explosions.

User Rating: 6.4 | Full Auto X360
It seems to me that SEGA sat down & said "Hmmm whats cool? err......RACING...&" & chucked them together to make a game. The result of this intense brainstorming session was Full Auto. This game has cars with guns on, it doesn't explain why the cars have guns because there isn't even a hint of a storyline not a whiff ok so at the start of some of the missions there may be a vague scenario but that still leaves a lot to be desired. Ok now into the action. It's a fun game because lets face it SEGA were right, both racing & explosions are cool. The missions are as varied as much as can be with just cars with guns on & the unlockables & achievements up for grabs do leave you with a sense of success. The 'unwreck' feature is quite a good idea, in fact this whole game is quite a good idea that was carried out poorly. now the technical stuff. Graphics: Nice, quite nice indeed but not to my high standards but maybe I expect more from something that would have cost me £50 created for a machine that cost me nearly £300. Gameplay: Easy, simple & has both a good racing feel to it & a shooter feel to it. sound: Boom, Crash etc, all you would expect from explosions.

At the end of the day I'm glad I borrowed this because It's a fun game to play whilst I can't afford to buy one for myself but when I start buying some of the bigger games coming out later I will return this to my mate safe in the knowledge I have milked it for its gamer score points.