Burnout with guns? NO, its more like Black meets Wreakless.

User Rating: 9.6 | Full Auto X360
Is it me or is this one of the most coolest games every made, i mean seriorsly its just brillant. If you play it using the bonnet view it plays like a first person shooter racer. People will compare it with Burnout but it isn't anything like Burnout, its not so much about speed but more about tactics. I was suprised of how much tactics was involved in the game. You really have to plan attacks and being first dosn't allways mean that you will come first. What I found about the game was the way that its better to be behind another driver then it is to be infrount of them. If your infrount you have an higher chance of being taken out whereas the car in frount can only drop bombs to slow or destroy the car tailing them, this leads to many accounts of trying to stay slightly behind the car infrount but at the time trying to beat him. The game plays very, very well online with little or at most accounts no lag at all, this is amazing when you look at how much is going on the screen at once. The graphics are superb (play it on a HD or VGA setup) and the sound is spot on, if you have a decent surround sound with sub turn it up and listen to the sound of the guns and engines of the cars in the game. I play the demo a liked it but when I played the full finshed game I was shocked of how much better and how complete the game is. Sega are on to a very good thing here and if they play there cards right they could turn Full Auto into a leading series of games.