A great idea, but could of been a bit better.
Full Auto you will notice it has pretty much no story. All you do is to different missions just to unlock things thats about it. Don't get me wrong it is still very fun to do Rampages (blow up civilian cars) and the races are very nice. Then too if this game had a story everyone would say it sucks so i say good job at making a fun career without a story. I mean the career took me about 5-6 hours to get all FA (Full Auto) in each race.
The online will also add some greatness to it (if you don't lag then it is ridiculus), but just don't get frustrated with earning the online level achievements because the do take a while to get.
The graphics are beautiful. Before you start the race it shows one huge thing (either distrucable to just cool looking i really don't know) but it looks almost like a movie (Final Fantasy Spirits Within style). The enviroments look amazing and with almost full destrucble (building won't fully crumble),but with nice lighting to a backround that doesn't look like a pasted backboard (there is also a desret race with a rock face comeing from the side of the wall and it looks amazing). Now the cars could be contriversial about how great they look. They don't look real like NFSMW but they can blow up which it why and they aren't supposed to look like a mustang.
The action in the game is fast and with much intesity. The none stop action can acually become repetitive but i've played it for 7 hours and i thinks it still fun but that could have been that i just wanted to beat the achievements so bad. The weapons in the game will go from machine guns to shotguns and rockets and missiles, how yes don't forget front grenades and a cannon. The 2nd gun you can have go from back shotgun, back grenades to smokescreen and mines.
The sound and the innovative features are nice even though have been used before. The explosions sound great and so does the music in the menu screens. When you are shooting someone with a machine gun after awhile it will start making a differtent noise and then you know they are close to blowing up. The unwreck and speed boost are also nice features. The speed boost you get from either flying through the air or drifting a turn (which i think counts when it wants to really). The unwreck feature is nice and it comes from getting wreck points (shooting stuff), but you will find out sometimes it doesnt help like when you use it but you still wreck and you do that untill your out of unwreck.
Overall this game stacks up decently, others are better but go rent it first and i bet you will like it for awhile.