Hookin your rear with Zilla!
They made a action filled racing game and took it to the next level by adding guns to it. Not only are you racing for first place but your racing to survive.
The game reminded me of twisted metal and a couple of others but they never thought through it enough to add another mode besides racings... what a drag.
Anyways the game is great but it has no story... it really doesn't have any reason as to why you should have guns attached to your car... I don't even know why they have the bat mobile in the game (Warlord)... but yeah it was a complete let down. This is why we need more gamers as developers not just people getting a job to be a developer for the money but because they have no lives like we who play games so much we know what should be done.
If they had a good reason I bet they would tell us why we can't just have a big ass arena with guns?
I liked the way that you can barely upgrade your guns (If you call that upgrading) or how you can drive through macy's because the building is destructable infact you can take a whole city down just racing its brutal. It's hard to last 30 seconds right off the beginning without getting your rear torn apart by a guy with a tank turret on his hood or machine guns with armor piercing rounds.
The game however on the bright side looks magnificent, doesn't lag, no glitches or problems, they did everything else right.
So yeah not much to be said other than this was a great idea but just used in all the wrongs ways. So rent the game just don't buy it like I did.