This game is not what you think it is. FUll Auto huh? More like Full Of ****.

User Rating: 7.1 | Full Auto X360
When I first played this game I was like WOW!!! The graphics were great and everything but now that I've beat it. it's not what I thought it was. Now I'm a true gamer. I will beat any game no matter how stupid it is. But when it's to the point were its no fun at all, then I might stop playing it when I get about half way done with it. I now think I should of bought Pac-Man for the DS. (LOL):) But now, this game will just have to burn in the "I don't like pile" in my room. The graphics are cool, there needs to be a better selection of guns. The only one that I thought was okay was the melee. (Shotgun and rear gernades) This is it for my reveiew. Sinistersnake out!