Full house poker is fun and challenging, But you cant give Microsoft too much credit, as this is just poker, they only really showed any creativity in the integration of avatars, which is awesome. I wish the chips were game-to-game with some kind of point system in the lobby, because fear of loosing my chips keeps me from facing harder opponents, which spoils some of the fun. All in all for 10 bucks you get a fun multilayer package, time will tell is this remains popular and theres enough people on to play a game 3 months from now.
Also, The ability to change venues, decks, tables, ect. is a nice touch that adds variety. I could be mistaken, but for anyone who has never played Texas Hold 'em, sadly, there is no basic tutorial I can find.
If you like poker, and have the Microsoft points to spare, be sure to check Full House Poker out.
(UPDATE) I have reduced my score to 7.5 after playing it a bit, for two reasons. One, the game has several bugs which only become evident after a few hours of play. Nothing serious but the fact these bugs made it to la... Read Full Review
For those who feel the need to gamble but can't bring themselves to break the bank, Full House Poker for XBLA could do the trick. However, if you're looking for a compelling offline poker game, and a seamless online exp... Read Full Review