When i had the first one i thought it was original and a neat concept,but this one has lost a bit of that spark.

User Rating: 7.3 | Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers PS2
When i first heard about full spectrum warrior i thought to myself how would that work you command the men whare they go but you don't get to shoot i thought that would'nt work but it did,now the first one had a spark that made it work.It reminded me of black hawk down the film,but ten hammers has lost a bit of that spark.

ten hammers graphic's aren't as good as the xbox version and it's not as colourful as well,but the good things are that now you get hand on a gun!kinda,alright you just aim the gun and press x, and that you cn let your squad split up and that you can let two people die.

Well that the thing is that you can use a tank as well,and another two teams.It's lost that spark what i just can't explainbut the ai's improved and they are a lot smarter and if you dont find cover, your teams dead.

well it's pretty good anyway but not as good as the original one.
well it's pretty good.