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User Rating: 9.1 | Full Spectrum Warrior PS2
Does war bring out the worst in people, or do people bring out the worst war? I don't know about that but, Full Spectrum Warrior brings entertainment and realisam to the player, this game takes you through a day as a team leader for two of the United States' best. Full Spectrum Warrior has a good control scheme and amazing graphics for the PS2. When you first start to play this game, you can go to the MOUT training course which is very deep showing almost everything you can do in this game leaving few things left for you to uncover during play. Full Spectrum Warrior has three dificulties, one being avable after beating the game for the first time or using a code, the easiest of the three, sargent, is still quite hard but not as hard as sargent major or authentic. The story mode takes place over 11 levels and 3 more after beating the game, one of which is on'y for the PS2 and are quite harder then the story mode. When playing this game you'll notice things that may drive you nuts but don't make this game any less superb, like the reactions of your soliders are a little slow and are pretty bad shots, wasting clip after clip on one enemy, as well as only one solider can be down at any one time or you fail. I'm not the smartest person and I'm not in the army but, out of 8 guys, 4 per team, maybe two guys can go down and not mess you up much, because when you clear an area guys don't respawn there so you can just go back through the place to the casvac to revive your dude, maybe I'm the only one who thinks that way or something. You don't get to know your teams much but when you do it maybe entertaining. The only thing I don't like about this game is that barely anyone is online or they suck or don't have a mic, so people please get a mic for games where you and your teammate nee to understand whats going on so you and tell each other where the enemy are or what to do. All in all this game pwns, so try it and if you get stuck I can help, just send me an e-mail and I'll come on and help ya if I'm not busy.