User Rating: 9 | Full Spectrum Warrior XBOX
It doesn't happen often, but this time I completely disagree with Gamespot. Granted I've only had this game now for 2 days, but first impressions mean the world to me when it comes to games. After playing the online co-op mode for almost 7 hours straight, I don't many of the complaints that Greg mentioned in the video review. True the enemy AI can be quite dumb here and there, but overall how else should they act when there's two squads of soldiers zoning in on their location? The graphics are truely amazing for this style of game. The detail given to each individual soldier is something that isn't given justice in stillness of photos (or the grainy, grainy videos at GS). The surroundings aren't quite as nicely textured, but c'mon, you're in Zekistan (where the heck is that anyways?). There's only so much variety you can give dirt. The sound has a very cinamatic sound to it. The sound effects are something alone the lines of Saving Private Ryan and the music has a slight Gladiator sound to it. Very well done and very dramatic at moments. The control isn't an issue if you know what you're getting yourself in to. It's a different approach to console gaming, but Pandemic pulled it off extremely well. I haven't found the controls to become tiresome regardless of only controlling the soldiers movements and actions.