Without using too many ubiquitous marketing and game site review jargon to describe this game, I just have to say, overall that I like it a lot. Unlike the First Person shooter games that give me headaches, this one keeps me involved in the game. The introduction to the game runs a bit slow but it actually does give a good foundation in learning gameplay. The learning curve is a lot less than an hour as stated by the gamespot review. The only downside is that there are no other locations that you can select to play in though I suspect the modding community will support new content when the PC version comes out in September. I haven't played against other people yet but if there are any other games out there for either xbox or pc, let me know about them, I would be interested in playing them. Imagine, what other genres a game company can port squad-based combat to? Science fiction and fantasy (swords & sorcery) come to my mind though can you imagine what Leisure suit larry or SWAT might be like if you could play like this? As I said before, I like this game a lot. I can actually play it and enjoy it unlike Chronicles of Riddick (which is a great game, I just can't play it w/o getting sick) and other similar type of games. So THQ, bring out more games like this one and expand on it!
Ok Full Spectrum Warrior is a unique RTS that throws you into recent major events happening in the world, i.e. the war in Iraq. It really is an actual training aid for the U.S. military. So for those of you who feel like... Read Full Review
This was a great strategy game and i found it was really fun. The game is well made and the graphics are good. The game it's self is pretty cool how it tells a little bit about each player and throughout the game they ac... Read Full Review