Ok Full Throttle, where to start? Lets get this across, Full Throttle is a Lucasarts adventure similar to Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max, or Grim Fandango. There is very little 'action' but it actually requires you to think (wow what a concept!). Puzzles are plentiful, and may take a little while to beat, but are very rewarding; Aren't TOO difficult, as to thwart you from playing onward, but hard enough to make you want to complete the next one. Now being that this game is a MORE than a few years old (yes im exaggerating MORE), the graphics are obviously dated, but are holding their ground quite well against the test of time. The animation is very smooth, and the art and backgrounds are both extremely nice. The sound department deserves MAJOR props for Full Throttle. The voice acting is terrific, the soundtrack is rockin', and the sound effects are accurate and crisp. The storyline is Top-Notch (involving bikers, industry, murder, betrayal, and greed, *ooh fun!*), and the setting is very Tough-Biker style. Expect to be talking to a lot of scumbags, grease monkeys, and bartenders (woo hoo!). Many fully animated cutscenes will keep you 105% interested in the story at all times. BUT! To top the whole package, the game is downright hilarious. TONS of one liners are thrown in everywhere, and there will be a few memorable moments you will probably never forget (Box of Bunnies. . .). All in all, this is an extremely under-appreciated classic that you should definitely play, and hey! Its 10 years old, so being that its probably about $3 on ebay, you have no excuse not to go out and buy it right now. :D
Full Throttle: Awsome adventure story about a biker, Ben, and his quest to get his life back! he fights guys on others motorcycles!!! He punches guys!!!! HE EVEN GETS LIT ON FFFIIIIIIRRRRRRREEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Read Full Review
Have you ever played a game and had the feeling you were playing something that you knew it would become a classic for sure? I had this feeling when I was 12 years old and was playing Full Throttle on my desktop Pentium ... Read Full Review