An Easy Classic.
User Rating: 10 | Full Throttle PC
I'm sure I am biased in this review seeing as I remember playing this game new and believing then that it was perhaps the greatest game ever contrived. Even now however, going back and playing all the old scumm games gives me great joy. Games have taken a turn away from the adventure genre and the "figure it out" type games have all but disappeared (with the exception of some of the newer Tell Tale Stuff). Among these games that filled the carefree days of my youth though, Full Throttle stands foremost in my mind.
An outlaw protagonist, rockin' sound track, wonderful story line, great presentation, and challenging yet at times quirky puzzles. I can hardly think of another game in recent memory that has excited my senses as Full Throttle did. I still go back and play it again every few years for the simple fact that it's solid fun from beginning to end, even knowing the puzzles front to back, I love to explore and click about for dialogue alone. If you've never played this game you should invest a bit of time and enjoy this classic.