GREAT game but is really short and not so game is most like grafic novel
For the begining we habe a great anime game but is wish if it is not so histori is most like a graffic novel and very lettlie game .
The game play is really cool you can play as Edward alphonse Roy ETC with the pen you can draw alchemy circls and more you can make alchemi powers like the anime, the game habe history mode arcade mode and minigames mode (really funny) these habe all history of the original serie .
for me these is a good game but i wish if these is goin to be better but is cool
for all fans of the animete serie and portables consoles is cool.
OK i say the best ranck for these game is a 7.0 because these is not the best game for these grat serie of anime OK gamers these was my review of FMA DS for the NINTENDO DS