The Fury within will be unleashed?
Fury is an MMO PvP where players choose to specialise in Earth, Water, Air or Fire elements and whether they are ranged or CQC fighters, not forgetting the choice of whether they can be a male or female character, giving a total of 16 possible combinations, but what this lacks is the ability to have a unique look. Fun were where games allow you to look off-putting yet very identifiable in public without having a big fat sign on the top of your head telling everyone who you are.
Buttons quickly resemble as a MMORPG array but is much as a faster pace than your hunting parties as like any other MMORPGs, but the only hunting in the game which players may engage in is the four different types of PvP modes, Stanley knifing exploring down to the bare essentials in exploring. Great for those who hates impossible missions where the grind can last to over half a day only to discover that it would of just taken just an hour if it was done another way, but that's the whole fun of a game and the satisfaction that you've been pwnd by the game and illogical thinking than constantly being slaughtered by someone who's all mighty god within the game.
The tutorial system within the game is an absolute slaughter to those who are new to the game style, those with a good background in MMORPGs may be able to pick up this game fairly quickly. For the new players, understanding this game is as reading another language and getting what in the jibberish it is talking about, so unfortunately, it may take over half a day to understand how some things work, also forgetting how to teach players to do stuff like... communicating to one another, that's how stupid it really is, not even a Communication to Other Players Tutorial 101 within the tutorial. The only help players may get with the game is via the instruction manual, but that is still very unhelpful as it feels like it is worded in another language, as via How to Play the Damn Game 101. More disturbingly, new players to the game are matched with outside of tutorial players, not allowing an equal and fair chance of tasting victory to the new players.
The four types of PvP within Fury includes Deathmatch, Bloodbath and Carnage.
In Deathmatch, players are given the choice of 1v1 or team v team (max of 4 players) deathmatches have one side against other and it is a fight to the death with the last side left standing to be announced the winner. It is fun to some respects, but this mode is greatly imbalanced if there is a novice player going up against the king of deathmatches, greatly upsetting both players in the respect of balance, challenge and understanding of the game.
Bloodbath is a Free for All fight with the player with the most points at the end of the timelimit being declared the winner, but this is greatly imbalanced by what type of account the players are playing with due to maximum hit points given to the different type of accounts, free accounts given about 2000HP and bought accounts given 5000HP, giving near to no chance of victory to free accounts.
Finally, Carnage is whereby characters kill the NPCs running within the arena, collecting as many tokens as possible and taking them back to the capture point before someone kills you, resulting in the loss of all of those collected tokens. The team with the most collected tokens at the end of the time limit is declared the winner, though there is a massive problem with players not knowing which side they are suppose to return at the end of a hunt and running for their lives.
Players are given eight sets of armour and weaponry at the start of the game, allowing for a change in class or ability half-way through playing the game, but upon selecting some of the purchasable abilities for the classes, such as the a ranged fire class character, it does not create a warm and fuzzy feeling inside to defect to another class due to the amount of time and effort dealt just to get to a good level. To some players, wishing to having try out another character only to have realised after selling off a lot of their armour and weaponry for that class, the momentary sign of "I just screwed myself over beyond sideways" would undoubtedly just pop up for money greedy people.
There is suppose to be a narrative within the game, as explained in the opening, but this is quickly washed out due to the amount of text within the game and no exactly understanding the need to know about the story, with the narrative gone and quite pointless past the tutorial with quick two-liners to try and cosmetically fill in the narrative, even though it never did actually exist in the first place, almost thanking the illiterate and/or lazy people for skipping past the story.
Especially designed for the lazier people, players are given the choice to purchase all the skills in a certain class using real world cash value, but this greatly defeats the purpose of learning about the game and destroys some of the fun in the grind, though the ability to purchase an account to gain an advantage over other players is possible.
With a virus status being labelled on the game by the company that made the game due to the massive grave it dug for the developer, unfortunately, this game will not topple over the WoW factor, as the only WOW about the game is how much of a grave it dug for the developers. Sorry, but it isn't worth any effort playing this game