This could have passed a lot better like an Xbox Live Arcade/ PSN Game. Not a full price game at all.
That is not to say the game is all bad. Still you get a chance to play a full campaign with friends or other random players. This all depends on your perspective of online gaming. Do you get frustrated by playing with ppl online and listening to their comment or even paying for their mistakes if they mess up and you have to repeat a check point again. Or do you have ur own set of friends that you can play and chill with. Whatever your answer maybe this game will fall in the middle category just like its score. Not too good and not to bad. It doesn't do anything special.
This game will probably by only 10 dollars on Ebay come E3. Nobody will remember it or be waiting for part 2. Do urself a favor and buy it used while we still can play used games on our current systems.