hey its just like the first one....if not more crapier!!!

User Rating: 2.8 | Fuzion Frenzy 2 X360
okay i usaly like party games, heck ill admit it , i like the mario party franchise.
fuzion frenzy was kool for the first 15 min with friend, then it just got repetitive, the sound track sucks and well the annoucer is just plain ugly ,stupid and annoying.
Plus now they added bonus cards, with this, the crapiest player can kick ass when he knows when to use em, so now the game isint only about skills, its about witch cards you use.
The online is just worst.....all the people ive encountered wee only there for the achevments and well......a game isint fun when thats the reason people play (you gotta admit its true) and theres only like about....less than 50 games....if not 40.

On the good side there isint much loading time(well if there is it aint long at all)
and well the graphics are slightly flashier , but has nothing realy fancy or even improved.

This could have been a great game if more mini-games, and new ones, better graphics AND CHARACTERS.

this is the worst game ive played on the 360 so far