An insight into to how the minigames are constructed and what games they resemble from classic game history.

User Rating: 8 | Fuzion Frenzy XBOX
Fuzion Frenzy has a one player mode but is not a one player game. The reason for this is because to play it one player you need to shop around for which minigame to play. The shopping is not just for the better minigames but for the minigames that the AI can actually offer the right amount of a challenge. The difficulty settings of the AI don't translate very well into actual difficulty. Some games the AI does a lot better on easy than it would do in other games if set to hard. About the Minigames: The minigames break into a set of sub categories and many of the games are slight alterations of other minigames. There are 45 minigames in total. The games can be grouped together by two different criterions, based on the style of game play and based on using the same elements as another minigame. There are minigames that fall into the TRON game where you race cycles and cut the other person off. The TRON games are: Collector, Erodeo, Laser Snare, Pod Hog, Rubble Alliance, Space Tails, and Tail blazer. The games differ from each other but only slightly. In games like Erodeo, Space Tails, and Tail blazer you cut off opponents by running tracks around them and either they crash into the your trail behind your vehicle or the ground falls out underneath them. Either way you are basically a game where your tail gets longer and longer as time goes on and last player eliminated wins. The other games differ by the fact that you collect orbs or some point bearing tail those other players can shoot off or bump off and add to their tale. The longest tale gets the most points and wins. Essentially you are watching where everyone else is racing and where you are racing and compete to edge each other out. The next category I call King of the Hill games. Basically you try to either push everyone else off of something and they are eliminated or you try to push them out of the way as you try and score something exclusive. The King of the Hill games are: Armored tanks, Blast Man Standing, Blast Off, Cooperation, Energy Ball, Falling Star, Hockey, Jetstream, Knockout, Odd one out, Panick, Pinball, Rollmentum, Rude Food, Special Delivery, Sumo, Tank Tangle, and Victim. In Sumo and Rollmentum you are in American Gladiator style rollerballs. In Sumo you try to push the other players off the pedestal that shrinks as time goes on. In Rollmentum you try to roll the ball over point scoring craters while knocking opponents away from settling into the point scoring craters. Blast Man Standing involves one player having a bomb and only through hitting a player does the bomb get transferred, its hot potato. The game play is very similar to Cooperation, Energy Ball, and Panick. The other games you try and grab point scoring orbs and you can beat them out of your opponents and run them to the scoring areas marked on the board. In the other games you try and fight over a single scoring ball or puck. In Rude food you spray insects that then walk towards exits and you can spray other people's bugs to get them to change course and go towards your scoring area. Knockout is like Sumo but with hovercrafts on a river with a waterfall at the end. The third category of games are race games. Race needs little explanation. You either race a tank, hovercraft or rollerball around a track. You can grab powerups, shoot other players, or knock them off the track where applicable. There isn't much point in listing the racing games. The final category I put the minigames into is Rapid Twitch or Pattern Matching. Simply put there are games where you need to time when you jump or duck. Some of them you jump and duck while grabbing tokens for points, others you simply play against the board and can't injure other players in anyway. In the most unimaginative games you are a DJ and simply have to match which of the 4 buttons, or possibly all 4 to a beat. Such as A and X, then A and B, then B, Y, and X. The variant is in one setup the computer generates the patter, in another the players themselves take turns making complex button patterns to match. One of the few unique games that uses both analog sticks, actually it is the only minigame to use the analog sticks is Misguided Missiles, and happens to be my favorite minigame. You control your person and a bomb with feet. On one stick you run your person away from other people's bombs and with the other you chase people with your bomb. The other system of categorizing the games would be that you use the same things such as: Hovercrafts Small Personal Flight Ships Small Personal Ice Skating Ships (looks like the aforementioned Flight Ship) Tanks Rollerballs You ride in Drills You run on Foot. When playing Fuzion Frenzy you will play about 5 minigames with Tanks, 5 more with Hovercrafts, 5 with one type of Personal Flight Ships, 5 with the Ice Skating Ships etc. The majority of the games have you running on foot. The best way I can summarize Fuzion Frenzy would be to compare it to the 6 in one table top games sold for children. The games that have pool, hockey, ping pong, fooz ball etc. The games seem very similar and use many of the same elements to play them. There is a fair amount of calling a chess board a checker board and using it twice or even five times. The game will allow any novice to play since using the triggers is not necessary and the analog sticks aren't really needed either. Most the game boils down to the D pad and the four buttons. This game is excellent for your PS2 friends, or Gamecube friends to play with you and suffer no learning curve due to the different controllers. Fuzion Frenzy is a party game and there is a real lack of stunning party games in existence. Rating it from 1 to 10 you need to take into account a 10 for a part game is about a 20 for a regular game; they don't ever get that good. If you are into party games Fuzion Frenzy is between an 8 and a 9, overall in the scheme of games it’s between a 6 or 7. If party is not your thing then move on. If you often have four people who want to play a game and you don't have a TV large enough to split 4 ways for a FPS then Fuzion Frenzy is perfect. Everyone always shares the same screen. Party games in order to be accessible to everyone are easy and you can't make a complex involved game that take more than 1 minute. At longest you will spend 2 minutes on any one Fuzion Frenzy game. In my title I know I said I was going to tie this game into video game history then I realized most of the readers would have never played the original games that Fuzion Frenzy borrows from.