Best Party Game Around.
Game-play: This game has so Many mini-games its even fun to play this wonderful game by yourself! there is no career mode, but there are tournaments where you can play against bots with custumizable difficulties.
Multi-Player: As I said best Party game ever. There are over 45 mini games to play with , friends and family. But be warned this game is HIGHLY competitive
so be braced for some.....tough love. You can play tournaments with your Family or friend or even pick-up matches where you pick one mini-game at a time. In tournaments the Computer randomly picks a mini-game. Still fantastic all mini-games are fun and will fill you with adrenaline.
Graphics: Hey for a 2004 game this was pretty good graphics.
End: Basically just a perfect game. My family,friends,and I highly enjoyed this game. I hope you will too.
Graphics : 7
Game-play: 10
Multi-Player: 110%
Value: 9
Tilt: 9