A fine party game that is great.
User Rating: 7.5 | Fuzion Frenzy XBOX
The game game is like a crazy non stop party game with thrills along the way. This game is game is fun espicially with friends. The game is simple with over 50 mini games thats from hitting the button to throwing explosives. The tornement mode is the main mode when you get to challenge your friends with random mini games. Sometimes a mini game will have a team game(2 vs 2). The mini game mode is a free tornement where you and 3 characters pick a game and wins points or practice the mini games. There are 6 characters to play with. The characters are Dug, Niomi, Samson, Jet, Geena, and Zack. The only problem of this game is that the game is similar to other party games. If you do not have a party game for the XBOX check out this classic party game.