Don't believe the hype, this game has merit, and is the party game to own for the Xbox.

User Rating: 7.2 | Fuzion Frenzy XBOX
Along with Kung Fu Chaos, Fuzion Frenzy is the best way to have fun on an Xbox without A) going online or B) geeking out and going all Halo on everyone. The tons of mini games (50 of 'em) tend to inspire rivalries, often require little skill and lots of luck, and make for a rather mindless but fun gaming experience. Which is why I got into vids in the first place. The rather silly characters, the annoying announcer and the general awfulness of this city-of-the-future that the game is set in only serve to remind you that this game is pure fantasy. It requires, at most, one stick and two buttons and half a brain. Give it a shot. I bought it in 2003 for like $15. I'm sure you can find it for less now.