Confusing in gameplay and advertising, this title makes for an unsatisfying waste of a rental.
I should have rented a movie.
This game is really for kids, despite the fact that nothing on the packaging mentions it. Indeed, the figures on the cover appear to be adults.
Also, every game contains pretty much the same tiny-sized characters. The front picture on the box made them seem like something to deal with, about the same size as regular stars in an action game. Instead, you thought you were back in the old 8-bit days.
Lastly, it was almost impossible to tell what most of the games were even about, let alone get good at them or wring some tough challenges out of them. Do you drive your vehicle over to this thing here, do you climb a ladder, do you try to find your way out of a room-- what the heck is going on? I think the very least a game ought to do is present the required tasks as soluble. It can't be too easy, but it can't be so obtuse that the user does not know which way is up.
This is a major letdown. Don't waste your time, even if you did want to find a suitable game for kids. Trivial Pursuit or Tetris will do just fine instead.