A total piece of crap.

User Rating: 4.3 | Fuzion Frenzy XBOX
I cant tell you how crappy this game is. A total mini-game copy of the Mario Party series. All the mini-games are the exact same: Roll around in an orb, or something to do with spraying bugs. Yawn. The graphics suck as well. I got this game in the holiday bundle. Which sucks. Because i dont even want this game on my conscience. And theyre is that sticker on the game that says, "Not for individual sale". so i cant sell it.... >.< This game is a discrace to the X Box. Spraying bugs is not my idea of fun. Niether is rollin around until time runs out. Mario Party - Now THERE was a party game. And the wannabe futuristic-ness is really half-ass.